søndag den 31. maj 2009

Haven springer ud

Så springer haven ud

Middag hos Henning og Viv

Som altid var vi inviteret til en dejlig middag hos Svigerfar og svigermor. Bestående af selvfangede muslinger fra Juelsminde (og må jeg sige noget større end dem vi fanger i Vejle) og til alles store overraskelse var Simon helt vilde med dem. Derefter fik vi kylling med hjemmelavet agurksalat og nye kartofler... Dejligt og til sidst friske danske jordbær... Alt hvad hjertet kan begære....

Simon nød de friske jordbær...

Aftenudsigten fra deres parcel... Skønt...

Tak for en altid hyggelig aften i 2 og kan i nu passe godt på hinanden.

mandag den 25. maj 2009

Maja´s 1 Birthday

Happy Birthday Maja

Opening presents

Blowing out the candle

Our little princess

mandag den 11. maj 2009

Simons 12th Birthday

On sunday we had friends over for his birthday, here Jacob is with Britt and Craig

Britt is getting Thomas to sleep

Simon and Morten


Britt and Craig

Søren, Karina and I

Karina with Thomas (Soon it is your turn)

Hanne, Brian and Stinne

The kids playing outside..

Simon blowing out the candles.... look 4 girlfriends

it took 3 attempts blowing them out
Monday morning on the 11th we had breakfast and he opened his presents

"Idag er det Simons fødselsdag, hurra hurra hurra" - Morning birthday boy

12 years old... my god time flies..... Happy Birthday my "baby"

Simon wanted frenchtoast for breakfast and that he got....

He got just what he wanted...

At night we had the family over. Simons father, grandpa and grandma and his great grandfather

The weather was great...


Simon and grandpa

Opening presents again......

The family

Simon really wanted a bas, so for the money he got for his birthday he got just the one he wanted....