fredag den 15. februar 2008

New Years 2007-08

We spent the night with really good friends, Erik, who joined us after dinner and then Claus and Ditte and there wonderfull little boy Gustav. We had them over and at six o´clock we poped the champagne and listened to the queen adress our small nation. Then we got a three course meal and wine and so on and had a really good time, at 0.00 we poped another bottle of champagne, wished eachother a happy new year and then we went outside, saw all of the fireworkes and greeted the neighbours, and then we got some really great news.. Erik one of our friends, has for a long time now been seeing a girl from Thailand, she was here this summer and he went to see her in nov and dec. and on new years eve he announced that they finally got married, when he was there..... of course we had to open another bottle of champagne... Great news... so this summer they are getting married here in Denmark - and we are all loking forward to it....

Christmas with the family

On the 24th we celebrate Christmas with the familie, Jacob went home to his parents to spent christmas and as always I hostet Christmas in my home. I had mom (Mary), dad (Allan), my brother (Jesper) and for the first time my grandfather (Hans) - My grandmother died in the spring of 2007 og cancer, so it was his first christmas without her. We all had a wonderfull christmas, with alot of traditions and joy. We had to open so many presents, and I can truly say that I got everything that I wished for.... But most of all a good holliday. on the 25th we all went to mom and dads house and spent the day eating and playing games Jacob also came and Jespers girlfriend Julie also came home to spent it with us. On the 26th jacob and I spent the day with Jacobs parents and sister in there new and wonderfull home with ocean view.

Christmas with friends

We always spent Dec. 23th with friends, decorating our tree, eating christmas pudding and playing games. It is a nice tradition and we all enjoy it. This year we played a game, where we all bought some cheap presents. placed them in the center of the table and everytime one of us hit a 6 on the dice we could take a presents (but not open it), then when they all were gone in the center of the board, we set a alarm for about 10 - 15 minutes, only one can see what the alarm is set to and then we can "steal" presents from eachother when we hit 6, and when the alarm rings we can open the presents infront of us.... it is a real fun game.... where the adults become children...

Christmas with Lars

We celebrated Christmas over 3 nights, first of all with Simons father Lars, which is a really good friend of the family, and Simon is spending every third weekend with him. We had a really good night, Simon got "sing star" from his father, so we ended up singing all night.


He wantet to be a "gang member"...... "a gangster".... every mothers dream.... well thank God that it was only for Fastelavn which is a lot like your Halloween - we have it in february where the kids dress up and hit a barrol with a stick until it breaks and candy flows out of the buttom of it. And then they go from door to door singing and collecting either money or candy......... well let me think about this..... my son who might as well has steam in his behind.... let me fill him with sugar.... year that should be good.!!!!

onsdag den 13. februar 2008

My son

This is my son Simon, almost 11 years old, absolutely getting to be a teenager... got a mind of his own... But everyone keeps saying that it is the age... well I am surely looking forward to the next 7-9 years..

He is a good boy..... I really don´t mind that he got a mind of his own. He is actively participating in our discussions with politics, and does not want to vote what Jacob and I vote. He is exellent in chess, he goes to the fitness center twice a week and is starting golf here in the spring. He is doing really well in school (finds it a bit boring at times, but haven´t we all done that), he transfered school when we moved and is after 2 years doing really well academicly and socially, he has alot of friends and is not home that much anymore.

My man

This is my man, Jacob.... Well I guess I cannot really say man, until there is a ring on my finger.... We have known eachother for a little over 2 years.(Still very much in love ) - Jacob works as a commerciel buyer and playes golf, does alot of running and fitness.
How we meet: (My version) .Well I just finished my education, having the time of my life with my other single girlfriends. So on dec. 28 we went out to a club called Mississippi (absolutely the best place), and had a bit to drink, danced and talked to friends, and this guy keept cirkuling around me, buying me drinks and wantet to get my phone number, so after a couple of hours I gave him my number and left the place.. The next day I wantet most of all to cancel our date, (didn´t really want a boyfriend at that time). But after talking to him on the phone, I decided to give it a chance, so we had our date the day before new years eve and it was amazing, this guy came towards me with his big brown eyes, we sat and talked all night and wehad so much to talk about, he too has gone to High School in the states (San Diego). The rest is history.. He is amazing, loves not only me but also Simon and has been really good at participating in bringing up Simon and making it work for us all... He is also really good at buying me flowers and gifts... he is a keeper...

My first blog

Hi everyone out there.

This is my very first blog, but after seeing all the blogs my friends are making, I wantet to make my very own for you all to read.